Chinny Goes 3D?

I have wanted a piece of software called Vue 5 Infinite for a while now. It’s a 3D terrain generation program with all sorts of fancy features. I could use it for so many things: animation, videos, even comics. Recently, E-On (the company that makes it) teamed up with Newtek to offer a pretty damn good deal. For $795, you can get Vue Infinite and Lightwave, plus an upgrade for Lightwave 9 when it comes out. Basically this is two apps and an upgrade for the cost of Lightwave (which is $200 more than Vue). I’m definitely considering it. I have until the end of the year to make the decision.

I prefer working in 2D, but I want to get some 3D skills as well. What’s the word on Lightwave nowadays?

I am getting very close to completion on my 12 Years Ill Spent book.
I am also considering selling Crow Clock Shorts DVDs in the future.
Anyone interested?

7 thoughts on “Chinny Goes 3D?

  1. Anonymous

    I guess it depends on what you plan on doing with it. Vue makes very nice images, but is hard to integrate with other apps. I used it with 3ds max a few years ago and we ended up just using it for backgrounds and compositing in post using discreet combustion. It was a lot easier to use then Animatek World builder. Maybe its integration with lightwave is batter.
    The best bang for your buck in 3d software is probably Softimage XSI 5 foundation for around $500 US. It is the same as the the most expensive version of XSI (advanced) only netrendering, advanced particles and hair have been removed.

  2. Anonymous

    You are so stupid.
    No one cares about 3 Dimensions. Everyone likes 2 Dimensions now. You are so stupid, it makes me want to throw up. But then I remember you're not even worth my puke.
    Have a good day.

  3. Anonymous

    I'm interested……..
    ….in you shutting your f………ing hole. Oh, my god, do I really have to look at this pile of crap on my screen?

    1. Fourchinnigan Post author

      Re: I'm interested……..
      I always find it funny when people are brave enough to insult me anonymously, but not brave enough to type the word fuck.


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