Tag Archives: conspiracy

The Other Side of the Ditch #3 (of 6)

I joined the high school newspaper in my senior year for one reason—so I could have my own comic-strip. It was called Dweezlebwob 634 and featured talking cheese and a sentient severed finger, amongst other oddities. Despite this, the newspaper staff also saw fit to foolishly give me my own column, “The Other Side of the Ditch.” I squandered this honor by writing about ludicrous conspiracies and other facetious topics.

Below is the third installment—revealing the despicable truth of Atlantis.

Note – Atlantis was apparently a recurring theme in my youth. In college, I created this asinine audio news story about atomic break-fighting in Ancient Atlantis.

The Other Side of the Ditch
Number Three
16 December 1994

Many have stopped along the beach to admire the sound of the “sea” being emitted from a conch shell. This sound is so peaceful and relaxing it could open anyone’s mind to the disastrous brainwashing of the Ancient Atlanteans.

It is legend that, ages ago, one said city of Atlantis sank into one unsaid sea. It is popular belief that everyone perished. According to others, including one Roscoe Maurice Higgety, “Them there Atlantis-people made space saucers and lived under that water and, by Jimminy, them there Atlantis-people still do!” This raises an interesting question (ignore Higgety’s space saucer comment), what if Atlanteans did survive and possibly adapt to undersea life? That could certainly solve the riddle of the Bermuda Triangle.

You see, the Atlanteans live within the Bermuda Triangle in a highly-advanced modification of Ancient Atlantis. They use numerous highly-incomprehensible devices to capture, harass, or confuse petty humans entering the confines of their territory (a sort of new-age turf war). The Atlanteans use their human hostages as slaves and guinea-pigs (they do so love pets, you were right, Perry Farrel). The trout, Ronald Finnegan explained this when he used our hypnotized forefathers to write “The Constitution.” For much like “Beowulf,” it was actually written by a clever fish in the Fishineese language (see September’s paper). “The Constitution” is really a warning of Atlantis’ master plan.

Using one of their plentiful highly-incomprehensible devices, the Atlanteans have turned mere conch shells into brainwashing weapons. The sound of the “sea” it produces lulls any average human into a highly submissove state. The Atlanteans feed you subliminal messages through the conch shells. These messages are embedded into the subconscious of all conch listeners forcing the listener to obey these subliminal commands. We are all pawns of Atlantis. They command us to buy their products and make them rich, for he who holds the money holds the planet. Labels reading “Made in Taiwan” or “China” or somewhere where everything seems to be made are likely to really be manufactured by Atlantis. Our only hope is our own stupidity. As mankind continues to destroy his planet, less conch shells are lying about and less people are outside on the polluted seashores to pick them up. Fewer people are being brainwashed and more American manufacturers are rising. Atlantis’ hopes shall continue to dwindle as long as we remain so self-destructive. Things are looking bright.


The Other Side of the Ditch #2 (of 6)

I joined the high school newspaper in my senior year for one reason—so I could have my own comic-strip. It was called Dweezlebwob 634 and featured talking cheese and a sentient severed finger, amongst other oddities. Despite this, the newspaper staff also saw fit to foolishly give me my own column, “The Other Side of the Ditch.” I squandered this honor by writing about ludicrous conspiracies and other facetious topics.

Below is the second installment—a revelation of the dangers of mosquitoes.

Note – yes, I know who Kirk Cameron is and no, Kurt Cobain was not still in a coma at this time. He had died six months prior. Yes, I was aware of these things before I wrote this column.

The Other Side of the Ditch
Number Two
28 October 1994

As of late, Louisiana is being plagued by mosquitoes that carry encephalitis. To common eyes, it would appear to be a natural epidemic, but it is apparent that it is truly a conspiracy on behalf of mosquitoes to reclaim the earth.

Steven Spielberg’s movie “Jurassic Park” raises two interesting points. The first is that not only did mosquitoes exist during the age of dinosaurs, but they were able to retain their blood and obviously their DNA. The other point is that dinosaurs were the predecessors of the bird. I am definitely not one to accuse Steven Spielberg or Michael Crichton of lying, so their data must be factual. It is common knowledge that the dangerous encephalitisly-infected mosquitoes are contracting the disease from birds. Birds, a form of mutated dinosaur, are passing this disease onto mosquitoes, an insect with the ability to store DNA in its body and allow humans to replicate the dinosaur.

If anyone doubts that the bird could be the offspring of the feral dinosaur, let them be reminded of Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds,” a movie (as well as a story, but who reads nowadays?) in which birds (mutated dinosaurs) attack and mutilate humanity. In reality, birds may have a hard time destroying mankind, but its ancestral dinosaur may not. Allow me to explain. Encephalitis causes inflammation of the brain. This can cause brain damage, as well as inexpressive facial expressions. It is also the “sleeping sickness” which can cause one to lapse into a coma (Do not forget about that Kirk Cameron guy from Nirvana who is in a coma, rather suspicious). A mentally-challenged, inexpressive, comatose human is basically a zombie or pawn. Long ago, birds bred encephalitis in hopes of using it someday to control mankind. When human scientists become zombified slaves of the mosquitoes, these puppets will be used to imitate “Jurassic Park” and bring back the dinosaur. If birds are truly mutated dinosaurs, they will use their DNA (easily extracted from mosquitoes) to recreate the dinosaur. These dinosaurs will decimate humanity and reclaim Earth. If this still seems unlikely, consider the following: this generation of toddlers have already become the followers of the purple dinosaur, Barney. If this one ingenious, charismatic dinosaur can control the next generation, imagine what a million could do.
